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Furniture Oils, Polishes and Waxes

All furniture develops a patina of fine scratches with use. Occasionally, an accidental nick or scratch occurs that is beyond the definition of patina and requires touch up. Check out our furniture oils, polishes and waxes.

Touching up Water Base Surfaces (Milk Paint and Waterbased Wood Stains)

To touch up a scratch or nick, lightly dab the area with paint or stain from the original can. If too much finish is applied, wipe it off before it dries and try again. You can use a tiny artist brush or a foam brush for a very small imperfection. Once it dries, you may sand lightly with a buffing pad. If Waterbase Topcoat was used, finish off with a light application of Topcoat over the repaired area. Use water for any clean up.

Furniture Care and Maintenance

To maintain the finish, mild dish soap is recommended for cleaning up after spills, just as you would clean woodwork. Vinegar can also be used. If a mild abrasive is needed, baking soda toothpaste works well when applied with a soft damp cloth. For additional protection, there are many products on the market, and some are hazardous to your furniture's health. Cleaners such as Pledge and Murphys Oil Soap are not recommended because they can contain contaminants such as silicone or leave a dull residue on the finish. Never use products containing ammonia on water base finishes. Polishes such as orange oil work well for routine maintenance. The following are some tips on the different types of polishes.

Butcher Block Oil

Butcher Block Oil is an excellent protectant for all butcher block surfaces and excellent for protecting wood surfaces that come in contact with food: Simply wipe on, allow 5 minutes to penetrate and wipe off the excess. Use on cutting boards, utensils, bowls, butcher blocks, etc. Odorless.

Orange Oil Furniture Polish

Orange Oil is by far our most popular and natural furniture care product. It can be used on any finish and does a superb job of removing everyday dirt and dust. It is often compared to lemon oil - however the big difference is that lemon oil contains mineral spirits. Orange Oil is all natural, non-combustible and made from real orange rinds. We love its fresh orange scent.

Furniture Cleaner

Furniture Cleaner is our strongest heavy duty cleaner with a mineral spirits base and is designed for serious cleaning applications. Apply with a 0000 grade steel wool to remove old oils, wax and grease from any wood surface.

Satin Finishing Wax

Satin Finishing Wax is a dual-purpose product. It can be used as a polish for rubbing out new finishes or as a scratch remover for worn surfaces. It works well over both oil and water based finishes, including Danish Oil. We recommend a wet sanding process followed by buffing to a soft silky sheen.